Submission Requirements
The papers which
do not meet requirements will be sent back
to the author(s) to be revised.
▪ Full Paper (Presentation and
The full paper should be no less than 8 full
▪ Abstract (Presentation only)
We encourage you to send informative
abstract (200-400 words) which is a
compendious summary of a paper's substance
including its background, purpose,
methodology, results, and conclusion.
▪ Please download the
full paper
template or
abstract template and follow the
format carefully.
▪ Your submission should be in English.
▪ Please fill in author background form in
the template.
Submission Method
Submit your full
paper or abstract directly to
Online Submission System or
▪ via online submission system: an account
is needed, if you don't have, please
register first.
▪ via mailbox: the email subject should be
named as "Submission-ICICA 2025-Full Paper/
The submission will be confirmed and
assigned a Paper ID by the conference
secretary from within two working days
after submission. To ensure receipt of all
correspondence from the conference, please
add as acceptable emails to
Double and
Concurrent Submissions
▪ Submissions to
ICICA 2025 must not substantially overlap
with papers that are published or
simultaneously submitted to other venues
(including journals or
▪ Double-submission will result in immediate
▪ Detected violations may be reported to
other conference chairs and journal editors.